Research Finds Loud Noises Can Lead to Fluid Buildup in the Ear

Center For Hearing • Aug 12, 2022

According to the World Health Organization, over 1 billion young adults are at risk of permanent, avoidable hearing loss due to unsafe listening practices. This includes listening through headphones at a high volume for prolonged amounts of time and attending concerts and sporting events at Hertz Arena without wearing hearing protection. While it’s well established...

By Center For Hearing 13 May, 2024
From strengthening muscles and improving cardiovascular health to boosting mood and reducing stress, the advantages of regular exercise are well-documented. However, its positive impact extends beyond just physical fitness and extends to include your hearing health. Advantages of Exercise for Hearing Health Engaging in regular physical activity has been linked to various benefits for hearing...
By Center For Hearing 12 Apr, 2024
Muffled hearing can be an annoying symptom preventing you from enjoying your favorite tunes or understanding the subtle dialogue during a movie at the Naples Cinematheque. Learning the common causes of muffled hearing and when to seek professional help can help prevent this annoyance from turning into a constant companion. Common Causes of Muffled Hearing...
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